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HM Courts & Tribunals Service open consultation on Welsh Language scheme

Mackenzie Jones have offices in England and Wales, but did you know that we also have bilingual lawyers ready and available to help?

We are accordingly very pleased to learn that HM Courts and Tribunals Service has opened up a consultation to review its Welsh language scheme, as well as ensuring the continuance of its commitment to Welsh language provision in its Courts and Tribunals.

A report in the Law Gazette1 quotes the HMCTS Chief Executive, Susan Acland-Hood:

“Addressing people in the right language is fundamental to ensuring that we are able to meet the expectations of Welsh-speaking users of our services...No one should have to ask for a service to be provided to them in Welsh – it should be readily accessible by default. Welsh speakers should expect to benefit in just the same way as everyone else from the once-in-a-generation changes that we are making to our service.”

This news follows an earlier report from September 2017 which confirmed that 570 cases were heard in Welsh in 2015-16, a figure which is expected to rise to 600-700 by the end of this year2.

If you would like to benefit from our Welsh speaking service, please let a member of our team know or feel free to contact us for more information.


Gwasanaeth tribiwnlysoedd yn agor ymgynghoriad ar y cynllun iaith Gymraeg

Mae gan Mackenzie Jones swyddfeydd dros Gogledd Cymru a Lloegr, ond oeddech chi'n gwybod bod gennym ni Cyfreithwyr ddwyieithog yn barod ac ar gael i helpu?

Rydym yn falch iawn i ddysgu bod llysoedd ei mawrhydi a'r gwasanaeth tribiwnlysoedd wedi agor ymgynghoriad i adolygu ei gynllun iaith Gymraeg, yn ogystal â sicrhau bod ei ymrwymiad i ddarpariaeth cyfrwng Cymraeg yn ei llysoedd a thribiwnlysoedd yn parhau.

Mae'r adroddiad yn y Law Gazette1 yn dyfynnu Prif Weithredwr CThEM (HMCTS), Susan Acland-Hood:

“Addressing people in the right language is fundamental to ensuring that we are able to meet the expectations of Welsh-speaking users of our services...No one should have to ask for a service to be provided to them in Welsh – it should be readily accessible by default. Welsh speakers should expect to benefit in just the same way as everyone else from the once-in-a-generation changes that we are making to our service.”

Mae'r newyddion hyn yn dilyn yr adroddiad o fis Medi 2017 lle gadarnhaodd cafodd 570 o achosion ei glywed yn Gymraeg yn 2015-16. Disgwylir fydd y ffigwr yn codi i 600-700 erbyn diwedd y flwyddyn2.

Os hoffech wasanaeth trwy gyfwyng yr iaith Gymraeg, rhowch wybod i aelod o'n tîm neu fel arall cysylltwch â ni am fwy o wybodaeth.